The address of the Latrobe Area Historical Society is: Po Box 266, Latrobe, PA 15650
St. Vincent's College in Latrobe, PA
yes there is
Lewisburg is a very small town in Pennsylvania and there are not very many famous people from there. Golfer Jason Bohn is from Lewisburg.
The address of the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor is: 3534 Route 30 East, Latrobe, PA 15650
It is 964 miles according to Google Maps.
The road distance between the places is 2795 miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like 'one ways' and 'no entries' have Not been considered when calculating this distance.
The address of the Saint Vincent College is: , Latrobe, PA 15650-2690
Mister Rogers is buried in Unity Cemetery, Latrobe, PA.
The annual average snowfall in Latrobe, PA is around 42 inches per year. Snowfall amounts can vary each year due to changing weather patterns and temperature fluctuations.
Ed Abbaticchio was born April 15, 1877, in Latrobe, PA, USA.