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Q: Explain how runoff from farms and golf courses can affect organisms in nearbly streams?
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What are the organisms that scavenge in streams?

I believe Badgers do.

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What information

What hypothesis did Darwin developed to explain his findings after returning to England?

he developed main streams of dna

Primary consumers that live in streams get their nutrition from?

Primary consumers that live in streams get their nutrition from consuming algae, detritus, and smaller organisms like insects and invertebrates. These organisms form the base of the stream food chain and provide energy for higher trophic levels.

After Darwin returned to England what hypothesis did Darwin develop to explain his findings?

He developed main streams of DNA.

What is the leading contributor to the extinction rates of terrestrial and freshwater organisms?

currents, turbulence of fast-moving rivers and streams. :)

Is hydra an endoskeleton?

Hydra do not have an endoskeleton. They are multicellular organisms that can be found in unpolluted fresh-water ponds, streams, and lakes.

What do flagellates do in lake and streams?

Flagellates are single-celled organisms that have whip-like flagella for movement. In lakes and streams, flagellates play a critical role in the food chain as both primary producers and consumers. They can photosynthesize like plants or feed on smaller organisms like bacteria, algae, and other protists.

What best describes the relationship between the flow rate of streams and the types of organisms that live in the streams?

The flow rate of streams affects the types of organisms that can thrive in them. High flow rates generally support species adapted for swift currents, such as trout, while low flow rates are suited for species like insects and algae that can withstand slower water movement. The flow rate influences the availability of oxygen, food, and shelter for stream organisms.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the flow rate of streams and the types of organisms that live in the streams?

The slower the stream flows, the more plant life it contains. now star doing your study island kelly!

How can gases enter the ocean water?

Their are 4 ways that gases enter the ocean. Gases can enter the ocean from streams, volcanoes, organisms, and the atmosphere.

Zooflagellates may live in lakes and streams where they?

Zooflagellates may live in lakes and streams where they feed on bacteria and algae, helping to maintain the ecosystem's balance. They play an essential role in nutrient cycles and are an important food source for larger organisms.