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Yes, it does, this is due to the higher loft of the wedge and its shorter shaft.

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Q: During golf On a full swing a wedge generally hits the ball shorter than a five-iron?
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What would happen if a swing was shorter than the other swing?

It would oscillate faster.

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Generally speaking, YES, Iowa is a swing-state.

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Will a shorter pendulum swing faster than a longer one?

no the bob on the shorter one has less distance per period to travel

Will a longer pendulum swing faster than a shorter one?

No, the length of the pendulum does not affect the speed at which it swings. The time it takes for one complete swing (period) is only influenced by the force of gravity and the starting angle of the swing.

Does the length of a pendulum effect how it swings?

Yes, the length of a pendulum affects its swing. The oscillation will be longer with a longer length and shorter with a shorter length.

What is pendulum length?

The pendulum length is the distance from the point of suspension to the center of mass of a pendulum. It affects the period of the pendulum's swing, with longer lengths typically resulting in longer periods. A longer pendulum length will generally have a slower swing compared to a shorter length.

Why does the angle of release of a pendulum affect the swing time?

The angle of release of a pendulum affects the swing time because it determines the initial potential energy that is converted to kinetic energy during the swing. A larger angle of release results in more potential energy at the start, leading to a longer swing time as the pendulum must swing through a larger arc to reach its highest point. Conversely, a smaller angle of release corresponds to less initial potential energy and a shorter swing time.

What is the meaning of improving golf swing?

Improving your golf swing generally means improving the fundamentals of it i.e correct swing plane, coiling correctly etc.

Should a shed door swing in or out?

Hi Shed doors generally swing out to make best use of the space in side.

Who was known as the sultan of swing during the roaring 20?

During the 1920s, the man who was known as the Sultan of Swing was Babe Ruth. He was also known as The Bambino.

Can a batter swing during an intentional walk?

Yes, there are no rules in baseball stating what kind of pitch a batter may swing at. It wouldn't be wise to swing at a pitch thrown during an intentional walk, but if the batter wanted to it would be legal.