16/65 = 0.246153846153846
So 24.6%, or roughly 25% if we're rounding to whole percentage points.
the perfect score in bowling is 300 which is all strikesThis guy named John Bates is 84 and got a perfect score on Wii bowling 2,850 times!what is I do to reach perfect score in bowling? If I practice practice practice very hard and carefully for my bowling game then I might reach perfect score in bowling game.
The sport of bowling.
Baseball & Bowling
A 300 in bowling is a perfect game, with 12 strikes in a row.
The term for three strikes in a row is called a three bager.for fun bowling a turkey.
2 strikes in a row
I bowled 4 consecutive perfect games in Wii bowling and 6 consecutive strikes in the next game for a total of 54 consecutive strikes. A few months later I bowled 5 consecutive perfect games in Wii bowling and 6 consecutive strikes in the next game for a new record of 66 consecutive strikes. Ray
The score for 10 strikes is not 100.... And the score for 12 strikes is 300... That is the best score that you can get...
In Thanksgiving or cristmas if you get three strikes in bowling ball you get a live turkey
A perfect game.
The sport of bowling.