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There's really no set answer to that, it'll depend on how much air that's in the tires, the weight of the people and how they ride. Two heavy guys jumping curbs and things like that are quite likely to mess things up. Two skinny people riding a smooth street probably won't do any harm.

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Bike riding drunk. You will fall and and hit your head on the same rock your bike hit. This did happen to my uncle.

What does a mountaineer mean?

Its like mountaineering somewhere for example:riding a mountain bike on a mountain and if you don't know what mountaineering mean then i'll tell you it means the same its like riding a bike on the mountain.

How can you make riding your bike fun again I just keep riding around the same space over and over so it's really boring and I can't go anywhere else?

find someone to ride withtake up trick ridingtry bike polohow about jumping

What is good about a dirt bike?

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How fast is 12 mph on a dirt bike?

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