A hockey puck can travel a far as any object if thrown with enough force! It is solid rubber so it can withstand tremendous force.
More pertinent to the game of hockey, the rink is roughly 200 feet long and a reasonably strong player can shoot the puck that distance (and hit the far boards with force). Accuracy suffers with the longer shot but hitting an open net (6' x 4') is relatively easy, as proven by million dollar intermission winners!
Well to be honest, I was thinking of doing this for a science fair project and tested that, When the puck is cool it go's allot farther. A warmer Puck will tend to bounce because when its heated the coils inside unravel which makes it bounce. That's why, before a game they freeze the puck.
Primarily the direction of movement, the spin on the ball and the movement of the surrounding air (wind). The effect is called the "Magnus Effect" (google that to get more details).
in simple terms yes it does effect how far an object travels but it depends how it is traveling what gravity its traveling in and so on.
Depends on the speed the ball travels.
Yes, the weight of a ball can have an impact on how far it is thrown. A heavier ball requires more force to throw, which can affect the distance it travels. However, other factors like the thrower's technique and strength also play a role in determining how far the ball is thrown.
Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.
Yes, the temperature of a ball can affect the distance it travels. Warmer temperatures can make a ball more bouncy and increase its velocity, resulting in longer distances. Conversely, cooler temperatures can make a ball less bouncy and reduce its velocity, leading to shorter distances.
Yes , the affect of the ball does matter of how far it goes.
Yes it does affect it cold does not go as far as a heated ball
The air pressure of a soccer ball affects how it interacts with the surface upon impact. A ball with higher pressure will likely travel farther when kicked, as it will be more rigid and have a higher rebound force. Conversely, a ball with lower pressure will compress more, absorbing some of the impact and potentially reducing the distance it travels.
No, it has no effect.