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You know, you feel a little pinch. That's it. It's in the mind. You hurt yourself, objectively, much worse while playing and you LOVE it. You never even give it a thought. With shots, you know they're coming, and you know something is getting stuck into you for a few moments. Just talk with the person giving the shot. Ask how long he/she has been a doctor/nurse/physician's assistant. That kind of thing. You can only hope to live long enough to get dozens and dozens of shots before you sign off.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Its just like your ordanary shots from the docter, its nothing to be afraid of.

good luck

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Q: Does the shots for middle school hurt?
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I was wondering do shots hurt me if

Why do shots hurt?

Shots do not hurt silly :P

Do school shots hurt for middle school?

Not much pain. When you go in for them look away when they give you the shot and it will be done before you know. If you think you want a tattoo there is more pain in getting one than a shot. A tattoo gun has several needles that pierce your skin. I have done all the shots and the tattoos so I do know about them.

What shots are recomended for going into middle school Are they different for girls or boys or are they the same?

They have to get their booster shots to start the 8th grade, this is comman in most schools.

How many shots do you get when you turn 11?

you get 3 shots in the arm and a finger prick on your middle finger...........I wish you good luck

A middle school shot put ball?

At my school we throw with a six pound shot put. most boys shots are 8.8 pounds

Does 12 year old booster shots hurt?

no it do not hurt

Will getting your tdap shot hurt?

no loosen your arm shots dont hurt

Why do you have to get shots when you go in to middle school?

You should be immunized because it helps put an end to serious diseases. If we stopped getting shots, diseases that are almost unknown would start coming back.

Have you ever had a buttock injection that hurt so much you couldn't sit down?

When I got booster shots in my bottom for school they didn't hurt much at the time but I couldn't sit down for days afterwards.

Do arm shots hurt?

Yes they do hurt but don't worry the shot last a second.

Why do shots hurt when you get them in your arm?

Hey retard. Somebody just stabbed your muscle. why wouldnt it hurt?!