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Not necessarily. If you are Bowling scratch, which means just your total pin count versus your opponent's total pin count, then yes the highest score wins. However if you are bowling with handicap, extra pins to help make it an even match, then even though you may have bowled the higher score, if your opponent has enough pins of handicap, they may beat you. There is an example listed below.

Bob's Average is 210

Tim's Average is 180 but he he gets 27 pins of handicap per game

Using 90% of the difference between average and 210.

Bob's Scores: 212, 218, 225 = 655 series

Tim's Scores: 195, 192, 190 = 577 series

By these scratch scores, Bob has beaten Tim by 78 pins.

However if you add the handicap in (27 pins a game x 3 games), the results are different.

Bob's Scores: 212, 218, 225 = 655 series

Tim's Scores: 195, 192, 190 = 577 series + 81 pins = 658

Tim Now now beaten Bob by 3 pins.

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No, usually the person with the lowest score wins Golf. The score counts how many hits you take to get the golf ball into the goal, and it is better to take fewer strokes.

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10 frames in a bowling game, 10th frame can have up to 2 extra balls. For example 3 strikes in the 10th frame. 12 strikes in a game = 300 = perfect game.

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yes! it is and played in most of the clubs around the world.

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The same as a regular football game whoever scores the most points wins except you're playing with flags on and the person has to pull off the flag.

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amf has the answer. I don't. I was hoping to find that answer from AMF.

In a singles lawn bowling game how many points do you need to win?

It depends on how the heads up scoring is setup. If you are just bowling heads up, then total pin count is all that is important, this would be scratch. If you are bowling with handicap, you take the total scratch pin count and add handicap, the higher score wins. If you are bowling in the Peterson System, with a per game point system, then the person with the most points at the end would be the victor.

What is the most consecutive strikes made in bowling?

the most possible in one game is 12. in a series: 36

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What is boules?

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