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getting abs

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Q: Does it take more hard work in the gym working out to get six pack abs than getting just a flat tummy without the six pack abs?
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Tips for getting a flat tummy xx?

Exercising and a healthy diet are the keys to getting a flat tummy. You are going to want to focus on doing exercises that work out your abs. Anything you do that makes you feel a burn in your stomach afterwards would be good to do on a regular basis.

Is it possible to get a flat tummy at 45?

Yes, it is possible to get a flat tummy at the age of 45. Exercise will help achieve the goal.

What are the release dates for The Doctors - 2008 Turn Your Fat Tummy Into a Flat Tummy 5-41?

The Doctors - 2008 Turn Your Fat Tummy Into a Flat Tummy 5-41 was released on: USA: 5 November 2012

Is it possible to get a flat stomach in one week by exercising?

That depends on how flat your stomach already is. If it is really flabby its going to take a lot more than a week to get a really flat stomach. If your tummy is already reasonably flat, then it might be possible to get it flat in a week. However, you are going to have to be doing a lot of working out.

How do you get a flat tummy back?

Proper diet and exercise.

How long do you have to sit ups for to have a flat tummy?


Is a flat tummy skinny?

Not really in some cases

If i only drank alcohol a couple nights a month could i still gain a flat tummy through working out?

If you only drank alcohol a couple of nights a month, you could still gain a flat tummy through working out. However, you would also have to eat right. Cut way back on fats, sugar, and high calorie foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.

Will running make your stomach flat?

no.. not eating so much makes ur tummy flat

How do you get flat abs in 1 week?

You can't, unless you were one week away from getting them after months of working.

You want to lift and make your butt bigger and at the same time make your fatty tummy flat How you can do that without surgery?

Try bicycling. You might also try squatting light weights to increase the size of your glutes. Crunches and Roman-chair sittups will reduce tummy buldge also.

How can you an 12 year old girl get an flat tummy?

just cut your flabby fats from your tummy off with a knife... but make sure you have a handkerchief to wipe off the blood!!