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i am a gymnast and do gymnastics 5 days a week 4 hours each day. i am very short and so are some other gymnast. it is also proven that it does stunt your growth

posted by chefmightymouse!! {:-)

Gymnastics does stunt growth, and if you search it up on Google you will find that gymnasts are usually shorter than average people because it is essentially easier to tumble with a shorter body, the vigourous training and regular hard impacts will keep gymnasts shoter than most people as it delays agrowth and indeed puberty.


I, on the other hand, am tall and I do gymnastics. Although I have heard about people how do gymnastics very regularly and seriously are shorter and delays puberty but I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you are wanted to enter the Olympics it shouldn't have any effect.


Gymnastics does stunt your growth, but only for when you are in it, but if you do it on a daily basis it can have long term effects.

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Q: Does gymnastics stunt your growth
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