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No because I'm really into boxing and football. I'me like 6 foot 4 and there is this 5 foot 8 girl who is super skinny and small and we got into an exhibition match for a school fundraiser. It turned out that the girl beat me and I had a mild concussion, a broken leg, a broken arm, three broken fingers, and I didn't even pose a threat to her....She KO'd me in less than 10 min so gender does not matter

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Q: Does gender matter when sports are important?
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Yes, gender does not matter.

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The sensation of pain is different in every individual no matter the gender.

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No. Sports are not based on gender.

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No, bacteria do not have gender because they are single-celled organisms that reproduce asexually through binary fission. Each individual bacterium can reproduce independently without the need for mating or gametes.

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Doesn't matter. They are for slaughter.

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They have pretty much the same rules.

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