Well... not really, they may look like they are going bigger but there not they are getting more muscly. Which is a good thing, right ? So people who like to bike don't worry if you think they are getting more fat they are just getting more muscly. Like Mr Muscle.
If you add an exercise routine (any exercise routine) to your daily life, w/o changing your eating habit there's a reasonable chance that you'll lose some fat, and some of the fat you lose will be from your thighs. some pointers: # regardless of what advertising says the only way to decide where to lose your fat is through Liposuction. Exercsise and dieting will remove some from all over. # You've got to start with controlling your calorie intake. If you overeat it's darn close to impossible to make up for it in increased workout time. # you need to run fairly long sessions, 45 minutes minimum to really get into the fat burn cycle, once you've gotten used to it. # you want to keep the pedalling speed up, aim for 80-100 turns/minute. Pushing hard and slow will increase muscle growth, and you're looking to slim down.
You have to go for certain thighs exercise and balance diet. Cycling is known for good thighs exercise. plussizewomendresses
Walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming
i don't think there's actually foods that can make your thighs bigger my friend told me to eat peanut butter and jelly before going to bed it makes your butt big.but try exercise jogging and dancing. that's what i do and my thighs are big and my butt too.
a bike ride exercises your quadraceps and so yes it will build up muscle on your thighs, making them bigger
well you cant chose where fat goes so that's kinda risky it could go to your arms or thighs or stomach but if you walk more or do lunges or more leg related exercises eg. cycling that should help
During exercise, you cannot target a certain area of fat to be burned off. Cycling is a good way to burn overall body fat, but it may be burnt if from other areas of the body before your thighs.
fat thighs, no. but keep in mind fat and bone isn't the same. to some people my thighs are bigger, that's because I'm medium boned. to some people their thighs are bigger than mind. their larger boned. its not always fat, and actually can just be bone
Cycling shorts prevent the rubbing of your inner thighs together while peddling (known as the chamois) and to be aerodynamic. http://cycling-review.com/clothing/bike-shorts/wearing-cycling-shorts/
It does make your legs bigger. I mean like it increases your muscles like quadriceps
Try 6 Snickers bars every day. It worked for me.
Yes, it also strengthens the muscles in your body, especially your thighs and lower legs.
no, but it will lead to bigger thighs and arms