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There's no law that determines how a MTB should look, so particulary child-sized ones may well have pedal brakes.

But if it's an adult-sized one it'd be very rare for it to be pedal braked.

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Q: Does a mountain bike have pedal brakes?
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When You Buy A Mountain Bike It Automatically Comes With One But BMX Bikes Mostly Have Them So You Can Have A Handle Brake For The Back Tire So If You Have One It Is So You Don't Accidentally Pedal Backwards A Hit The Brakes Instead Of Just Keep Riding

Applying the brakes on this bicycle causes it to slow down because the brakes?

Yes, applying the brakes on a bicycle should slow it down. Little squares of rubber are pressed to the metal rimming on the bicylce's wheel when you pull a handle brake, or pedal backwards (depends on if it's an adult bike or children's bike).

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Don't know what you mean by cassette cranks, but to be able to back pedal you'd need to get another hub for that bike. It's probably cheaper to find a complete new rear wheel than to rebuild your current wheel around another hub.

What is the better brake for a mountain bike?

Better isn't that simple, it depends on your priorities. Hydraulic disc brakes with big rotors are most powerful, followed by hydraulic rim brakes. Lightest are V-brakes (rim) brakes. Least maintenance are drum/roller brakes.

How do you put the brakes on the bike?

depends on the bike and the brakes. Go to or for more.

What are two innovation that bike brakes?

Disc brakes and drum brakes.