boyanka angelova
Nadia Comaneci's birth name is Nadia Elena Comneci.
Nadia Comaneci's middle name is Elena.
Nadia Comaneci has 20 records al for gymnastics c
Nadia Comaneci trained profecianally in a gymnastics school with bela karolyi
As Nadia Comaneci was born in 1961 (age 49 in 2011, 50 this November) and only married Bart Connor in the 1990's, she does not have a granddaughter who does gymnastics. They do however have a son named Dylan Paul Conner, born on June 3, 2006 in Oklahoma City. The question may have arisen because of a video on Youtube which falsely identifies the Bulgarian gymnast Boyanka Angelova (born 1994) as Comaneci's granddaughter.
Nadia Elena Comăneci
No,she was from Romania