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Q: Do you think that Rafael Nadal will marry Xisca Parillo?
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Why can't I marry Rafael Nadal?

well this is an awkward question. but rafa is dating shakira right now as I write . unless you can compete with her money and fame and looks, and humbleness you don't have really have mush of a chance.

Who does Jane marry in Jane the virgin?

i'm not sure all i know is that michael and jane end the wedding and then rafeal asks her to marry him, she rejects and ruins the relation ship. Who does she marry in season two? stay tuned to find out.

What is the homophone for marry?

'Marry' and 'merry'.

Can two sisters still marry in Nebraska?

Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.Two sisters may marry in Nebraska but they may not marry each other.

Who did elizabeth1 marry?

she did not marry

How did the soap opera don't mess with an angel end?

I think the soap opera don't mess with an angel will end in such that, one migale sandroman will marry maria de sus and rafael wiil be opareted on by one migael sandroman.anahulia and amadoor robless will end up in jail or end up dying.

Who did prabhas marry?

He has yet to marry but there are rumors that he may marry kajal agarwal

Can you marry a sibling in the US?

you cannot marry your siblings, but you can marry your first cousin.

What is the english translation for 'marry me '?

marry me.

Did Rebecca Franks marry?

no she did not marry

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will you marry me

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she did marry