Many babies learn to talk first. Babies can usually speak a few words before they walk. However, there are some babies who do walk early and have yet to speak their first words.
Once you learn to shutup!!
Baby Doves learn to walk in first week since being born.
Through their environment, and others.
In a nutshell: if you are going to talk the talk, first walk the walk.
humm well at the beginning of the movie Stuart already knew how to walk and talk but in the book i don't really know
you walk up to him and click on him
Most things we learn. People learn to talk, walk and to do other things. A baby is always learning, but is born with the basic instincts .
You can talk about anything and everything. That is the beauty of the first date; it is where you get to learn anything about this new person. Ask them questions about them so that you can learn. Talk about things you have in common and if you don't know of any find out.
It depends on they can first walk.
walk up to her and talk first!
about when they learn to walk and\or talk so they can tell you when they need to go or they could go themself
well i am polish and you should first get a dictionary and learn all the words and you talk polish