Women like confidence. If you can show confidence with a flabby pack, there's nothing that can stop you.
no we like the truffle shuffle
Girls shouldn't try to get six pack abs. Women are more attractive with a flat stomach rather than ripped abs.
Yes, there is such a thing as a six pack abs (on the abdomen).
Of course not! The highest abs you can pack are eight pack abs. Sixteen will not have women swooning, it will just be a weird disorder thing, unfortunately. So put away the dumbells if you have six packs! your wrong guy you can get 12
500 pack
You cannot develop "six-pack" abs in one day.
everyone has a 6 pack, but body fat covers it. So to be able to see your 6 pack, you must burn off that layer of fat over you abdomen.
Six pack abs.
Ryan Gosling's ripped abs make his abs the best six pack abs in the world!