There is no reason for students not to choose part time jobs. In fact, part time jobs are good choices for students because they allow them time to study and participate in clubs, sports, etc.
The University of Utah offers several jobs for students. There are options for part time jobs to fit the students Schedule. The University offers such jobs so students can get work experience.
Often students will get part-time jobs that they can do after colledge/school they could work in libraries or shops, these are very common.
No their isn't. More unviersity students are going out and finding part time jobs to pay their bills but most of university students don't get a part time job because it's hard to manage with there studies.
Not necessarily, but it helps sometimes.
Omaha being a big city in Nebraska offers many places for students to do part time jobs. Restaurants are always in need of part time waiters/waitresses, and retail stores are good options as well.
"She begins working two other part time jobs to buy books for her students."
So that they can pay off their student loans.
If you mean "Why DO SOME students in college have part time jobs?" my answer would be the following: to make money. Since money helps most of us, even students, I'd say they're working to make it....
Disadvantage is a noun.
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