There are several dimensions of quality for manufactured products and rendered services. These include the cost and longevity of the product or service.
RELIABILITY-Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.i.e. Is my flight on time?
How is quality associated with a product's dimensions.
The iPhone has all eight dimensions of product quality management. It is durable, has features people want, performs well, is reliable, has perceived quality, is serviceable, and has great aesthetics. The iPhone also has conformance because they are made with precision.
Bakugan Dimensions is no longer in service.
onsumers can now assess value on the basis of other dimensions, such as quality, service, and relationships, due to the decline in the cost of technology
level and consitency
Service quality is comprised of five dimensions. These are: * Reliability: ability to perform the promised service depedably and accurately. * Responsiveness: willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. * Assurance:employees' knowledge and courtesy and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. * Empathy: caring, individualised attention given to customers. * Tangibles: appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and written materials (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler, 2006:116).
quality of life
Product quality is the way a product performs. While service quality is how well an experience was when shopping for, buying, using a product or service.
. Broad Dimensions of Service Quality:n Reliability - perform promised service dependably and accuratelyn Responsiveness - willingness/readiness to provide prompt servicen Competence - possess knowledge and skill to perform the servicen Access - approachability and ease of contact of service personneln Courtesy - politeness, consideration, and friendliness of service personneln Communication - keeping customers informed; listening to customersn Credibility - trustworthy, believable, honestn Security - freedom from danger, risk, or doubtn Understanding/knowing customer - knowing customer's needsn Tangibles - physical evidence of service
one is quality of the service and the other is quality of the product. Product quality usually includes features, performance, defects etc. Service quality includes delivery time, knowledge of delivery personnel etc.