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Q: Did usain change his last name to bolt?
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Did Usain Bolt change his name?


Where did the name Usain Bolt come from?

it's usain bolt's name you idiot who ever asked the question

Name one person that broke a record in the last Olympic?

Usain Bolt

What is Usain Bolt's full name?

Usain St. Leo Bolt

What is Usain Bolt's brothers name?

Usain bolt brother's name is called Sadeeki

Who is the fastest peson in the world?

Bolt. that's his last name.. He won the Olympics.

What is Usain Bolt's mothers name?


What is bolt's real name?

His full name is Usain St Leo Bolt.

What is the name of the fastest person in the world?

Usain Bolt Thats funny because his last name is Bolt. maybe he's as fast as a bolt of lightening. No, thats no possible. I'll have to know that one!

What is Usain's middle name?

If you mean the runner, then Usain St. Leo Bolt

What is Usain Bolt's dad's name?


Is Usain Bolt in FIFA 13?

heya, Usain Bolt won't be there in Fifa 13. A lot of people do say that, but they have a created player by the name of Bolt! :)