Tony Lema's birth name is Anthony David Lema.
Tony Lema was born on February 25, 1934.
Tony Lema was born on February 25, 1934.
Tony Lema died on July 24, 1966 at the age of 32.
Tony Lema died on July 24, 1966 at the age of 32.
Yes, pro golfer Tony Lema had a son David, who was orphaned at the age of 4 when Lema and his wife, David's mother, died in a twin engine plane crash July 24, 1966.
Tony Lema was born on February 25, 1934 and died on July 24, 1966. Tony Lema would have been 32 years old at the time of death or 81 years old today.
Tony Lema got the nickname Champagne Tony when he told the media that he would serve them champagne if he won the Orange County Open tournament in 1962. Frequently, he would celebrate victories with champagne.
Yes, according to a PGA record book, Lema played in the 1958Pensacola open. Wayne Swanson
David Lema is 6' 4".
Garcia-Lema. has written: 'The paintings of Garcia-Lema' -- subject(s): Painting, Spanish, Spanish Painting
No, there is not an such an animal called a lema. There is an animal that is called a llama.