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no you dumb idiot

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Q: Did anyone hit a golf ball across America?
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Floyd rood drive across the us?

a golf ball'

Does the English golf ball go further?

No, there is no such thing as an English golf ball, it is the exact same as anyone sold anywhere in the world.

Why did Floyd rood drive a golf ball across the US?

What did Floyd Rood drive across the US

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Golf ball

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A Golf Ball

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Golf Ball

What is a resort monagrammed golf ball?

It is a golf ball that has the logo of a resort/golf course printed on the ball.

Which element can you hit a golf ball with?

You can hit a golf ball with a golf club.

What is bigger a golf ball or an eyeball?

A golf ball.

What do you call the ball of golf?

That would be a golf ball.

The Mickeys beer bottle riddle under the cap we got isn't on the site what do we do?

take a picture of it and see if anyone can answer it for you!

What weighs more a golf ball or squash ball?

A golf ball weighs more.