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the original

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Q: Did Novak Djokovic get the replica or the original big trophy at Wimbledon?
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Related questions

Does the winner of Wimbledon Tennis singles actually get to keep the Cup and if not is his name inscribed on it?

The winner does not get to keep the trophy they get a smaller replica of it to keep and they do print the winners names on it.

Does the winning team keep the world cup trophy or does it rotate around as other team win?

No. They get a gold plated replica, FIFA keeps the original.

Where can you buy a miniature replica of vince lombardi trophy?

Replica such as this can be found on Ebay.

What do they do when the Wimbledon trophy is full of names?

When the original trophy is filled with names, they add an extra layer below and when that gets complete with names they add another layer below. For instance, check out the Davis cup trophy, the original was just a cup but over the years they have added three extra layers below.

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What is the fruit on the men's singles Wimbledon trophy?

== == A pineapple

What fruit is on the lid of the Wimbledon singles trophy?

A pineapple

Name Wimbledon women's singles trophy?

The trophy the winning female wins is called the Venus Rosewater Dish.

Must you do anything if you own an inexact replica of the Lombardi trophy?


Where do you buy a replica super bowl trophy?

These can be found on ebay.

How much did the Wimbledon trophy cost?

$500 dollars

Does the champions league when taken by any club belongs to the team forever?

No. When a team wins the Champions League, they are given the replica of the trophy. The original is kept by UEFA and kept on display.