The cost of removing a tennis court is highly variable. The distance to a landfill or disposal facility is a factor. Disposal fees are a factor. Whether there is a nearby facility that will accept painted asphalt is a factor. There is typically material installed under a tennis court that will probably need to be removed, and the depth of this, plus any re-grading of the site following removal will be a factor. Removal of Fencing will add to the cost. Hiring an inexperienced contractor on a time and materials basis, and having to pay that contractor to take up all of that material with under-sized equipment (like a bobcat) can add cost. Paying people by the hour to sit idle while waiting for trucks to return from the disposal facility is costly. You contractor should estimate round trip times and have enough trucks available so that the excavator is not sitting idle.
Assuming reasonable access to disposal facilities, and a skilled contractor, you should expect about $10,000-$15,000. The biggest factors will probably be distance to the disposal facility (longer trips means hiring more trucks so that there is no work stoppage waiting on loading) and the amount / depth of material beneath that must be removed / replaced to re-grade.
If you're planning to remove your tennis court, get estimates. If you are considering buying a house with an unwanted tennis court, figure $15k as a rough guess, and see if your home inspector can improve on that guess with knowledge of local markets and conditions if you're still serious about the home.
In tennis, the net is stretched across the full width of the court. For single play, this is 27 feet. Doubles requires a 36 foot net.
Not really, since the short handled, dead surfaced paddle will not allow you to use the full court. Try to find a paddle tennis court or, better yet, save your pennies and go on a cruise where the ships often have "deck" or paddle tennis available.
It depends on what company you go with, and it will definitely increase if you're getting it professionally installed. We used Plexipave at our school, I would check out their website and see if you can get a quote. A full tennis court usually costs $30,000 dollars!! Huge rip off!!
24m/0.5s = 48m/s
Full Ace tennis
Court full form
The average Tennis court is usually about 120 feet by 60 feet providing one is playing doubles, and on the full court. A tennis court is also usually encompassed by stands which range from 20 feet to 45 feet long.
table tennis
The full and sophisticated name for NFAT is Not Fat At Tennis.
That full depends on challenges. see link
Hitting the net full on. Hitting the net and the ball carries on over it. Foot crossing the line when you hit the ball. Hitting the ball full on and it does not land in the field of play.
The duration of Full-Court Miracle is 1.5 hours.