Yes. But it's a brisk walk. "Normal" speed is between 3 and 3 1/2 mph.
Yes, because a good walk is about 5 mph.
If you walk an average of 5 mph then it will take you 15 hours
Yes, if you walk between 4-5 mph. Which is a common walk pace.
5 / 6 * 60 minutes ....
36 minutes.
95 hours 36 minutes 5 seconds
About 6 mph.
2 minutes 59 seconds.
9 minutes 22 seconds.
Depends on how fast you walk, what the terrain is. You definitely walk faster down hill than you do up! You can cover more ground on a straight stretch than you do on a hilly one. Most people walk anywhere from 2 - 5 mph. At 2 mph it would take 316 hrs. At 3 mph it would take 210 hrs and 40 min. At 4 mph it would take 158 hrs. At 5 mph it would take approximately 136 hrs and 22 min.
depends on how fast you walk.. 5 hrs at just under 3 MPH, a good walking pace.
That's highly impossible. There wouldn't even be a mph. I agree that is highly impossible. But the speed at which you would be moving would be 300 mph.