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Yes; the ball can hit anywhere in the area below the wrist of your paddle-hand.

Also, sometime in 2011, they changed the rules to allow the ball to hit

that area TWICE, if it was accidental -- that is, as long as it's the same continuous stroke of the paddle -- and, the ball can never hit any place other than that area.

For example, if the ball deflects off your wrist AND THEN nicks/scrapes part of a finger, that's OK -- you just keep playing the point. However, if the ball

strikes any area above your wrist (of your paddle-hand), then you lose

that point (i.e. volley) -- and game then resumes as normal with the next serve for whoever is serving.

Another note on this: If you suspect your opponent of hitting the ball twice

outside the area mentioned above, then you should immediately call a "let"

and clarify what you saw and declare the point is yours. However, if your

opponent says it didn't happen that way, then you MUST call for a "referee" IF you do not accept the opponents' explanation of where/what the ball struck -- HOWEVER, usually you would ACCEPT your opponents' explanation, because table-tennis is a game among honorable players.

Joe Gervais (id=JoeG314) Nov. 13, 2009 (revised Nov. 12, 2011) (TT player in Saint Paul, Minnesota)

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13y ago
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16y ago

In my league, you can't touch the table or net with your free hand. If you do, automatic loss of point. Your paddle may touch the table with no penalty.

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13y ago

"yes you can there will be no harm" and the ball must be inside not out

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14y ago

It is illegal to use two hands when holding a racket according to the ITTF rules.

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14y ago

You can touch the ball when it is not in play.

When the ball is in play, you cannot touch it.

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14y ago

No, you cannot hit the ball with your hand unless it is holding the racket.

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14y ago

The correct name for a Table Tennis paddle is a table tennis racket.

Yes, it is OK for the racket to touch the table.

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