You can start by searching on Ebay and on Craigslist for used and new golf carts. Auction sites like the ones mentioned are a good place to start because you can search for carts available in your general area. Some more golf specific sites that offer carts to purchase are,, and
Prices can vary on golf carts depending on whether they are gasoline or electric powered. Most start at around $3000 for a new one and go up from there.
I see your looking for golf gear!! I used this link below and got some quality stuff and major DISCOUNTS!!! Use the link below to get the deals. Check it out! Just copy the link and remove the space: htt ps: //yazing. com/deals /callawaygolf /Hosth20
I've been looking around the Internet and the worst I have found is 20, but hopefully I'll have a golf cart soon so I can check.
Club cars are known for the golf carts as well as small gasoline powered vehicles which security guards use to drive around the car parks in hotels. Accessories for club cars found on Nicks Golf Carts and Radical Golf Carts are weather enclosure protection, rear seats, battery watering system, cooling box, golf club cleaner and under seat storage to name a few.
Electric golf carts are quieter than the gas powered carts. They also put out less pollutants into the air. They do not move as fast, which is good in areas where there are many pedestrians and safety is a top issue.
Any vehicle you buy used you should always have checked at a garage or a place that can determine problems with a golf cart. No one can tell you something can be safe without knowing the history.
I've found one of the best sites for Golf Cart Parts, such as Club Car Parts, is Baker's Cart Supply. The section of their website devoted to Club Car Golf Cart Parts can be found here:
I would recommend Cobra - a branch of Titleist.
Truck repairs are generally done at a Auto Body Shop by an experienced mechanic. It is usually good to know the mechanic well or have friends or family recommend someone they have used and trust.
A good battery will easily last 18, and you would normally get 27 holes out of one. However, if you conserve power well you could get 36 holes.
Electric golf carts do not come with a odometer or hour meter. However your authorized Club Car dealer can hook the vehicle up to a Club Car computer and identify run hours. This is not always a good indicator because some golf carts have new computer modules added due to maintenance issues etc and this would not show previous hours. Many Gas Club Cars do have a meter depending on if the original owner specified it when the vehicle was purchased new.