Yes, but make sure that you clean it after with a good ball cleaner. The oil should start coming out of the ball after only a few minutes.
Powerhouse products are a great cleaner, KnockOut is another, 50% SimpleGreen and 50% water can work great as well.
It depends on the type of ball. Some can be put in the oven on lowest (120degrees) setting. To do this you must put a towel on bottom of the pan you are using, put it in for 15 to 20 min, take it out and put in hot soapy water, dry off and place back in the oven, repeat until no oil comes out of your ball. This can take several hours. Your best bet is to go to the bowling alley, they have a machine that extracts the oil from your ball. I would say if your ball is older than 2years and you bowl frequently then it is time to get a new ball.....ignore everything i said so far..never ever put your bowling ball in the oven it will ruin the coverstock of your bowling ball which helps make it hook. And if you do put in the oven ur risking the core of your bowling ball in which if it breaks your ball is pretty much screwed might as well say its a house ball. If your bowling ball is getting old I mean if you bowled at least 150 games with it I would get it resurfaced. Ya that's they put your ball in a resufacing machine which removes all the oil...that should definitely put some life back into your bowling ball. This only works on reactive resin ball or particle not on spare balls.
a medicine ball, a bowling ball, a shot put
put ur fingers in it and c if it fits
the colored dot on a bowling ball is called the PIN. it is placed where the top of the core or weight block is.
When you bowl an bowling ball you can't exactly bowl in straight all the time because if you notice, you actually put a natural curve on the ball that is why it hooks when you don't want it to.
The oil/oil pattern that is laid or "dressed" onto the lane surface.
the back spin you put on the ball, but how do you even ask a question on this site? i cant figure it out :/
The experimental setup I envision is as follows: you get a sheet of melamine, stick it in the middle of the school gym, set one end on a sawhorse to create the slope, put the two balls at the top of the slope, let go of them at the same time and measure to see which one goes farther once it gets out onto the gym floor. Right? Because of the weights of the two balls, the bowling ball will travel farther. It can store more energy from gravity.
it depends if your bowling for fun theyll have everything you need at your local bowling allyif your bowling for competition you might want to consider buying a bowling ball (straight ball instead of a ball with hook if you are a beginner). and if you know you will bowl alot and in a lot of tournaments and leagues you might want to buy your own set of bowling shoes.the only other thing you would need would be a towel for your ball or balls, ball cleaner, and rosin (stuff you put on your hands to get better grip).hope that helps-Smart-most things you need are at the alley already like shoes and a ball but i recomend getting your own shoes because the shoes there are constantly being used. (you can also bring a rag or powder but you don't really need it)
A bowling ball has a greater force than an apple due to its larger mass. Force is directly proportional to mass, so the heavier object will exert a greater force when both are accelerated the same way.
T.I in the movie Takers