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Q: Can you move an obstruction while your ball is in motion?
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If your ball is playable in a water hazard can you move an obstruction if your ball does not move whilst doing so?


Can you move an obstruction such as a Styrofoam cup if your ball is lying against it without penalty?

Yes, if you move it without moving the ball. If you move the cup and the ball, then it's a penalty.

Describe the motion of a ball in a typical sport?

Since a ball is a sphere the motion it makes is rolling. The rolling happens on the ground and in the air.

What is the move called in soccer when a player illegally uses their body to prevent another player from playing the ball?


What are the objects of motion in football?

Players on the move, and the flight of the ball.

How does the ball move when you kick it?

By the displaced force of motion you put on it from your moving leg hitting it.

What type of force is required to put a golf ball in motion?

The force required to put a golf ball in motion is typically generated by the golfer's swing, which applies a force to the ball through the club. This force causes the ball to accelerate and move forward.

What is pan motion when referring to a camera?

pan motion is to move to a different place while scoping the scene.

Describe the motion of air particles inside a ball?

Inside a ball, air particles move randomly in all directions due to the collisions between the particles and the walls of the ball. The particles continuously bounce off the walls, creating pressure and contributing to the overall pressure inside the ball. This random motion of air particles helps maintain the inflation and shape of the ball.

Why do you need to use force to move a ball up a ramp when it moves downward by itself?

The force of gravity makes the ball move downward. To move it upward, you need to supply enough force to compensate for this (to stop the downward motion) plus a little extra (to cause the ball to move upward).

What is a good basketball move?

A great move to use in basketball is the crossover. While you are dribbling, switch hands with the ball, this will help you defend the ball.

When an airway obstruction is present the chest will continue to rise but the abdomen will no longer move?

When an airway obstruction is present, the chest will continue to rise but the abdomen will no longer move