No, you may not touch your ball. There should be no need anyway as the name and number are stamped more than once so that no matter how the ball lies you will be able to see if it is yours or not.
cut the little green ball to hit the red ball that sits on the bottom. he gos in. then cut the top middle ball so that it lands in the launcher. launch him. he hits the red ball making it swing then hits the green ball and makes it go home. cut the big green ball so that it and the red ball goes home. cut the swinging red ball so that it lands to the right of the red vase. cut the gray ball to knock it in. -Truex 56
First, cut the right string on the second green ball on the top shelf, and then the left string.Wait for the ball to roll off the left side of the shelf.Next, cut the left string off the silver ball on the top shelf, and then the right. It will then roll off the right side of the shelf and push the green ball into the box. Then the silver ball will knock the red ball on the bottom shelf into it's box.Then, cut the string off the red ball on the top shelf. it will hit the silver ball and go into the red box, and the silver ball will roll under the spoon.Finally, cut off the string on the first green ball on the top shelf. then cut the remaining string off the last ball. It will bounce onto the spoon and both green balls will go in.
First, cut the red ball above the platform. Next, cut the double-chained red ball and get it into the cannon. A green ball should be swinging now. Cut that ball into the cannon. Now, cut the now swinging red ball when it swings to the red bucket. Finally, cut the last green ball. Level completed.
cut the gray ball that looks like its staked from the bottom gray ball into the little slot by the green backet then cut the gray ball by the green ball and make it hit the biggre gray ball then cut the last gray ball into the connon wonce the movebly object then cut the red ball it will hitt the still gray ball the go down the hole bounce off the green ball hitt the gray ball and go into the red backet while the green ball is still moving cut the rope it whill go on the platform then role off the platform bounce off the gray ball and into the backet
You cut the green ball all the way to the left, then cut the silver ball (first the left string, then the right), then cut the red one. The silver ball will go under the spoon. Now cut the green ball all the way to the right. Then the green ball all the way to the left. (first the left string, and then the right).
first you go red into the second launcher. then let the biggest ball drop. then do the green intom the first launcher. then let the 2nd ball drop (should be swinnging.) then drop the last ball.! this should work. it helped me.!drop red into the far right launchercut the left chain on the green (swings)bounce the red off of the green.drop big one onto the green (swings)shoot into the goal!
cut the string of the top right red civi ball that will get a green one in aswell as the red one. Cut the string of the grey civi ball's string and that will make the remaining red civi ball swing. Before getting the red one in the box, when swinging under neath the green release the green, it will bonce off the red into the green box. then aim the red one in the box.
outside:cut the red one with the green string then cut the green one with the blue string next you cut the red string on the pipe then cut the orange ball with the green string then you cut the blue string on the pipe then cut the red ball with the yellow string inside:i have no idea.
1) Drop the green ball that's all the way to the right into the cannon by cutting the red string and letting it swing to the left and then cutting the green string. Drop it in the cannon, not the green box. 2) This will trigger the cannon and hit the green ball carried by the yellow gold balloon and will move that green ball all the way to the left. 3) Drop the red ball that's all the way to the left into the cannon by cutting the green string. 4) Cut the string holding up the train so the train moves towards the left. 5) Drop the red ball in the middle by cutting the purple string first, and then dropping it into the red box, by cutting the green string. 6) This will hit the green ball hanging in the middle. Cut the purple string to drop it in the box. 7) Drop the green ball hanging from the balloon into the cannon by cutting the red string and wait for it to swing to the right and then cut the remaining string to drop it into the box.
The red one cut the right string then the left string then it will fall on the edge of the green box but it will triger the jack-in-the-box and get in the red box. The red one will hit the green one. once it swings at its highest point cut the string. Cut the right string on the gray ball , thn the left. It will fallon the other gray ball. Cut the left string on the green ball, then the right. It will go into the green box. Cut the right string on the last one, then the left.Cut the left sting when it has swung on its highset point. Then it will fall into the yellow box.
cut the right chain on the grey ball then cut the left chain so is goes into the cannonwhen the totom pole thing falls and is flat cut the chain that hold the green ball above itthen cut the chain that holds the red ballfinally after the cannon shots the red ball cut the chain to the green ball so it falls in to the cannon
cut the right chain on the grey ball then cut the left chain so is goes into the cannonwhen the totom pole thing falls and is flat cut the chain that hold the green ball above itthen cut the chain that holds the red ballfinally after the cannon shots the red ball cut the chain to the green ball so it falls in to the cannon