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Q: Can you lay a sanitary tee on it side?
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Can a sanitary tee be used horizontal as a vent?

as long as it is not installed on a drain line. If it is used strictly on the vent system then yes it can be used horizonally.

What is Sanitary prefect duty?

Is when chickens lay eggs and they are fresh and creamy as chocolate but they look snd smell like strawberry

What side of a sanitary toilet seat cover faces down?

either side it's paper

The fall from the toilet flange to the horizontal is 15 in the horizontal line is 20 in long and enters the sanitary tee at the vertical vent stack. can a 'y'and 45 be used in place of the sanitarytee?


Why can't i breath through the right side of my nose when i lay on my left side and the left side of my nose when i lay on my right side?

because your abinoiseterousyou are blocking the airway on that side.

How do you lay while pregnant?

you should not lay on your stomach. your should lay on which ever side is most comfortable but your left side is a whole lot better for baby

Can a sanitary long sweep T be used in place of a wye?

most long sweep tee's are called combination fittings which are basically a wye and 45 made into one fitting. If your tee looks like that combination it may be used. Plumbing codes vary from state to state so it could be otherwise.

Do chinchillas lay on their side?

because it hurts to lay down compleatly

Which way does thermostat go on a 73 Plymouth duster?

tee-pee side up, other side into the engine.

While pregnant what side should you lay on?

It is safe it sleep on either side. They tell you its best to lay on your left because your kidneys drain better when you lay on the left. Just don't lay flat on your back