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Yes you can kick a touchdown. By kicking an onside kick recover it and return it for a touchdown.

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15y ago

That would be a foul, you have to use the racket to return the ball.

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15y ago

You cant kick the ball when u play Basketball

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15y ago

Well, you can, I guess. But I would advise that you don't to because it might hurt a little.

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15y ago

Yes, you can kick a basketball.

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Q: Can you kick the tennis ball over the net?
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Why is it called a let in tennis when the ball hits the net?

It is called a "let" in tennis when the ball hits the net because "Filet" is the French word for net and the game originated in France.

What is it called when a tennis ball goes around the net and not over it?


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Let's play tennis! A good way to recognize prepositions is to imagine a tennis net. Now think of a tennis ball as a preposition (e.g., the ball can go "through" the net, the ball can go "over" the net)

What is soccer tennis?

Soccer tennis is when you have a tennis net and you volley a soccer ball with your feet over the net to the other player. Whoever messes up or hits the net losses a point.

What is the difference between a let and a net call in tennis?

Let is when the ball goes over the net and lands inside the box but hits the net going over, Let is only on a serve. Net is when the ball hits the net and fails to go get over the net.

How could you play tennis?

To play tennis, you need a tennis court, a tennis racket for each player, and a tennis ball. If you are playing singles, one player stands on each side of the net, for doubles, two players are on each side of the net. Players hit the ball with the racket back and forth over the net.

What does a tennis net do in tennis?

The same thing as in ping-pong. If one player does not return the ball over the net, then the other player (or team) gets the point.

Can a player kick the ball over the net without penalty?

yeah, definitely, even i have

Can you reach over the net to hit the ball in tennis?

Depends on what you mean by "you." I'll assume that you mean either a ball you have just hit, or yourself. If the ball touches the net on a serve, and bounces over the net landing in-bounds, then it is called a let, and acts just like a redo. If the ball hits the net and falls back on your side, then it is a fault and you loose the point. Any other time, the ball is allowed to hit the net. If you touch the net yourself (either with your racquet, clothes, body, hair) before the ball has bounced twice on the opponent's court then you loose the point.

What do you have to do in discus?

you kick a ball into a net .

What is the best way to kick a soccer ball?

It should be with your front feet and not the top as the ball will go sailing over the net.

Can you hold your tennis racket over or above the net while the opponent is serving?

it doesn't matter where your tennis racket is just as long as it hits the tennis ball