No if you are playing in a tournament you can have no more than 14 clubs no matter what. If you are playing for fun you can play with 15 clubs if you want.
No, 14 clubs means 14 clubs. If you have 15 clubs in your bag you will be penalised 2 shots per hole (maximum of 4 strokes). If you do have 15 clubs, get rid of one of them before you begin you're round.
15 to 18 days
Paraguayans declare their independence day on may 14 and 15 in 1811.
The rules only allow 14 clubs to be carried during a stipulated round. So no you can not carry 15 clubs at anytime, simply if one is broken you can get rid of it and replace it for an exact replica of the one that has broke. The club must as said earlier, be the exact same in every way to the broken one, there can be no variation, this is simply not allowed. For this rule to come into action the club must have been broken without malice, that is if you hit a shot from behind the tree and the shaft snaps you may replace it, if you snap the club over your knee you may not replace it.
As long as you like, but not more than 15 mins because they need humidity and it stresses them out after like 10 mins
YES. Fifa 15 allows you to choose teams from 35 licensed leagues and 600+ clubs. It is the most comprehensive edition ever.
On the early hours of September 15, 1810.
Yes, clubs have youth squads.
September 15, 1821
15 july
11:15 on September 3rd