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Q: Can tiger wood lend somebody money?
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Is Beckham richest than tiger wood?

no infact he doesn't have that much money as Tiger. Tiger is the worlds most paid sportsman.

How much money does tiger wood's caddy make?

I'm guessing around 10% of whatever tiger earns each tournament.

What has the author Philip Wood written?

Philip Wood has written: 'Lend me your ears'

How rich is Wood?

I am not sure how rich Tiger Wood is, but Tiger Woods is filthy rich!

Can you get the email address for tiger wood the golfer?

wthat is the email address of Golfer Tiger wood?

Does tiger wood deserve to get paid?

Yes. If he wins money at tournaments he deserves it due to years of practice and hard work he endured.

What is wan wood?

TIGER is wan WOOD It is also the wood you make wans from.

How much money did Tiger Woods generate for Nike in 2004?

The amount of money that Tiger Wood's genterated for Nike in 2004 was $200,000,000!!

Do tigers live in tiger wood?

No, tigers live in Tiger Jungle.

Is Tiger Wood's mom Kultida a Filipina?

No, Tiger's mom is from Thailand

Did tiger wood have a second child?


When did tiger wood have surgery?

In 2008