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Some do enjoy the ability to chew gum in their mouth while running. It allows them to keep their mouth moist and prevent cotton mouth

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Why does chewing gum help middle school focus more in school?

they cant talk while chewing gum! :)

Does gum chewing stimulate thought processes?

Yes Gum chewing does actually help stimulate the brains thinking process Because for most people if they are chewing Gum while taking a test,they are calmer then they would normally be without the Gum.

What is difference in bubble gum and chewing gum?

With bubble gum, you can blow bubbles, while with chewing gum, you can't.

Does chewing gum help get rid of diarrhea?

no. chewing too much gum can cause it.

Do the ingredients in gum make it larger?

yes the main constituent in the chewing gum make it larger while chewing

How does chewing gum help you be smarter?

I'm not sure but right now I'm chewing gum and there's no miracle.

What is a good experiment idea about chewing gum?

here's one that I like..... Can chewing gum really help you concentrate?

What is Spidge?

Chewing Gum. Chewing Gum. Chewing Gum.

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Does bubble gum help you concentrate?

There are currently studies that have shown chewing bubble gum can help you concentrate while studying. It has also linked to better test taking when a person chews the same flavor of gum while taking the test that they chewed on while studying for that test.

Does chewing gum help sore throaghts?

Big Red gum by wrigley

Does chewing gum help you stop chewing your nails?

Yes, gum chewing helps you stay wake and alert at times in class.