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"A player may break the plane of the net on a follow through from a shot as long as the ball was on that player's side of the court when the ball was struck. (The player can only reach over to play a ball in the situation stated in the paragraph below).

The player in either situation may not touch the net, or the opponent's court with anything he wears or carries or with any part of the body.

If the spin or wind brings the ball back over the net to the side of the player(s) who hit the shot, the opponent(s) may then reach over the net and play the ball. They may not touch the net or the opponent's court. This is the only situation when a player may reach over the net to play a ball. If the opponent does not play the ball and it bounces on the side of the player who hit the spin shot, that player who hit that shot wins the point."

According to the rules, it is perfectly fine for the follow through on a swing of the racquet to cross the net as long as contact with the ball was on the player's side and not on the opponent's side, and contact was not made with the net by the striking player or their racquet. However, one cannot reach across the net to strike a ball that is on the opponent's side of the net except under on circumstance: If the ball originally bounced on the player's side of the net but due to back spin the ball wound up crossing back over the net, it is acceptable to then reach over the net and strike the ball prior to its hitting the ground as long as contact is not made with the net by the striking player's racquet or body.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You may never cross over to our opponent's side during a rally.

However, if the ball lands on your side, but the massive backspin makes the ball go back over the net before you can hit it, you can lean over the net to hit it.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Usually, you switch sides after every odd game (i.e. after the first, third, fifth... game). However, if you are in a tiebreak, you switch sides after every six points (after the 6th, 12th, ....).

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, no players can cross over the net during play.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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