I do not think so. The older wound balls seemed to go bad, expecially the old Maxfli. Put the Maxfli on the dash board of you car in the summer time, come back after a round and it looked like an egg.
It is probably not a bad idea to play golf wearing bifocals but it might make it hard for you to focus on the ball. It could also cause you to have less balance when you are hitting the ball.
"ball bag" in the context of a bag for golf balls would be "Ball Tasche".The pronunciation is with the 'A' of "Ball" as in 'BAD' an 'Tash-e'.
Good for what? They are not considered high quality golf ball, but if you hit a lot in the water, they ain't bad for that.
Bad Golf My Way was created in 1994.
A shank is a shot in golf, which you do not want to hit. It is a shot in which the ball is struck in between the hossel and the heel of the golf club, it causes the ball to go to the right (if a right handed golfer), but it goes at about a 45 degree angle and goes a relatively short distance.
The duration of Bad Golf My Way is 3000.0 seconds.
Bad Golf Made Easier was created in 1993.
A Fried Egg or a Fried Egg Lie, is a golfing term. First off the term plugging needs to be explained. When a golf ball is plugged it means the ball sticks into the ground either in soft dirt, mud or in sand like in a sand trap. A good portion of the ball will be embedded into the ground instead of resting on top of the ground. A lie refers to where the ball is lying on the golf course. There are good lies and bad lies. A plugged ball is a very bad lie. A fried egg or a fried egg lie is when a golf ball lands in a sand trap and plugs into the sand. The sand splashes away from the ball and with only a portion of the ball visible it gives the appearance of a fried egg. The term only applies to a plugged ball in sand and almost exclusively to sand traps.
You don't say "4". You say "fore". It's supposed to get the attention of the players or spectators who may be in the path of the ball.
The duration of Bad Golf Made Easier is 3180.0 seconds.
When he talks to his golf ball he says, "sit", "fly", "draw". If he hits a bad shot sometimes he says "Tiger" or "God damn it" and sometimes he drops what The Golf Channel refers to as the "F-bomb".
An avocado typically lasts about 3-4 days before it goes bad, but this can vary depending on its ripeness and storage conditions.