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Q: Can a meteoriod be the size of a pebble?
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What happens to the size of a pebble when in a river?

Nothing but if the pebble is raw it can have changes in size the longer it stays in a liquid.

What is a small rock called?

The smallest type of rock is a pebble. A pebble can be made out of most rocks and is the size of a marble.

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Is a pebble a compound element or a mixture?

It is not necessarily any of these, as "pebble" describes a grain size and does not say anything about composition. In most cases, though, a pebble is a mixture.

Is a comet a meteoriod that strikes earth?


What is the maximum and minimum size range for pebble?


What is the maximum size of a pebble?

6.4 centimeters in diameter.

Larger sized gravel ranging in size from 4mm to 64mm?

Pebble larger than clay

What is smaller a pebble or gravel?

A pebble is smaller than gravel. Pebbles are generally between 2-64 millimeters in size, while gravel typically ranges from 2 to 75 millimeters.

How many ounces does a pebble have?

The weight of a pebble can vary depending on its size and type of rock. On average, a small pebble might weigh around 0.5 to 1 ounce.

What are the chances of a mediaroide hitthing the Earth?

Zero. By definition a meteoriod cannot hit the earth. On a meteoriod enters the atmospehe it becomes a meteor amd when it hits the earth it is a Meteorite.

Is a meteroid the size of a pebble?

No, a meteoroid is typically much larger than a pebble. Meteoroids can range in size from small grains of sand to large rocks several meters in diameter.