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Yes it can be done Infact, it is how we homosapiens survived before spears or farming

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Q: Can a human eventually run down a deer on foot?
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Related questions

What is the hind knee of a deer called?

Hock, though the "hind knee" of a deer is actually equivalent to the heel on a human's foot, not the true knee itself.

What do you call a foot of a deer?


How do you keep a deer's foot from rotting?

Leave it attached to the rest of the deer and don't shoot it

Is deet deer urine?

Okay, take it from an actual hunter that has actually gutted a deer. It smells (from about 1 foot distance.) like dry human blood+1closeclosepinpinsearchminimizeforwardbackViewTextzoomoutzoominzoomin

What Indicates a presence of deer?

Fresh droppings and urine spots, fresh scrapings on the ground and on tree trunks,fresh deer foot tracks.

Which foot larger in human body?

Left foot

How many foot does a human have?

The average foot has twenty six skeletal parts. The human foot also contains thirty three joints and twenty muscles. All these parts work together to make up the human foot.

What is the bottom of the human foot called?

The sole of the foot.

Can you leave a deep splinter in your foot?

You could leave a deep splinter in your foot but it is not recommended. Any foreign body in the human body can cause infection. That infection can spread to the bones and muscles of the feet and on up into the leg and eventually abdominal cavity. I'd recommend you get it out.

How do you make a deer charge?

swipe your left foot on the ground while snuffing your nose

Which limb has more bones?

The human hand has more bones than the human foot. The hand has 27 bones, while the foot has 26 bones.

How many halluces on a foot?

1 on a human foot which is the big toe