Barbara Patterson, the famous Canadian sculpture artist has a birthday on August 14th, 1999. She is best known for her figurative works.
April 21, 1947 is the birthdate of Barbara Park
Barbara Boxer was born on November 11, 1940.
Barbara Acklin was born on February 28, 1943.
Barbara Strozzi was born on August 6, 1619.
Barbara Bostock was born on December 19, 1935.
Barbara Mandrell was born on December 25, 1948.
Barbara McClintock was born on June 16, 1902.
Barbara Park was born on April 21, 1947.
Barbara Rush was born on January 4, 1927.
Barbara Sukowa was born on February 2, 1950.
Barbara Lewis was born on February 9, 1943.
Barbara Hershey was born on February 5, 1948.