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There is some disagreement as to whether a child taking part in gymnastics will have stunted growth. Some people believe that long hours of training, or injury prior to puberty may cause damage to the growth plates in bones and cause them to close before the individual has reached their full height. Therefore, the age at which the child begins puberty would be the age when growth would not be affected.

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Q: At what age can a child start gymnastics without stunting growth?
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it depends on how much your child or you go a week or what level he/she or you are in.

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it all depends on if your child is prepared or able to do the skill! it may not kill you or your child but it can really damage your body!

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It depends how much your child or you go a week and what level he/she or you are in.

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Nutrition and genetics affect a child's growth. A child who doesn't have the genes to be tall will likely not be tall.

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