There are so many Chinese that play ping pong that I think there may be more Table Tennis balls.
A tennis ball weighs 57 grams, a golf ball weighs 46 grams. So there would be 14.87 golf balls to 12 tennis balls.
yes yes they are.
Go to a Tennis/Golf club, and at the end of the week ask if they have any balls they are going to throw out, so you can keep them instead. That or go to a golf/tennis course and pick up any left over balls. I've left some tennis balls on the court for others.
The International Tennis Federation requires a tennis ball to weigh between 56 and 59.4 grams. Under the rules of Golf, a golf ball must weigh no more than 45.93 grams. So no, a golf ball does not weigh more than a tennis ball.
It doesn't. A tennis ball has a mass of about 57g A golf ball has a mass of about 46g The golf ball is DENSER because it has material inside it (usually rubber) but the tennis ball is full of a gas (air).
golf balls
balls the size of tennis balls isn't necessarily a bad thing, but average size testicles are just a little bit bigger than golf balls
golf balls because there heavier in weight adnd because there smaller in size
To give them more grip on a tennis raquet
A bowling ball is heavier than a tennis ball for a number of reasons. Two of which should be obvious: The bowling ball is bigger and therefore weighs more for it has more mass. And the bowling ball is made of a denser material and is solid. A tennis ball is made out of rubber and is hollow and filled with air.
Its a fat foot ball tennis ball my balls bounce the highest
Real golf balls are technologically designed for distance, spin and playability. They are also a lot more expensive. Mini golf balls are made cheaply from rubber.