Dick Weber was born on December 23, 1929.
Dick Weber was born on December 23, 1929.
Dick Weber died on February 13, 2005 at the age of 75.
Dick Weber died on February 13, 2005 at the age of 75.
Dick Weber was born on December 23, 1929 and died on February 13, 2005. Dick Weber would have been 75 years old at the time of death or 85 years old today.
Earl Anthony or a close second of Dick Weber probably have the most well known and respected names in the sport when the sport was in its heyday. But it's relative to the age of the bowler. Middle age bowlers may say Walter Ray Williams. Youth bowlers may say Dick Weber's son Pete.
Sylvia Wene
Thomas Dick Lauder has written: 'The great floods of August, 1829, in the Province of Moray and adjoining districts'
The Dick Tracy Show - 1961 Bowling Ball Bandits 1-43 was released on: USA: 1961
Besides the pro shop in any bowling center? There's a Dick's Sporting Goods at the Castleton Square Mall.
Dick Poney has written: 'An epistle from Dick Poney, Esq'
Dick Emmet has written: 'I hope \\'