Gymnastics is a lot about physics, rotation speed, and angles. There is a surprising amount of math involves in gymnastics, though most people do not tend to look at it from a mathematical perspective.
Gymnastics, like other sports, is affected in so many ways by science. From the coach, trainer, equipment production, nutrition, psychology and much more. As a coach I have found that a background in basic physics and biomechanics is very helpful in understanding how gymnastics skills are executed, from a scientific perspective. Then I translate the complicated or scientific information and break it down so that my students are able to learn to perform the skills they are intersted in. The exact ways in which science affects gymnastics requires much more time and space than is allowed in this format. Otherwise I could bore you with a lot of details.
You can find experiments on the Internet, in labs, science fairs, almost any place with science involved .
really do with
You can do anything in a science fair a popularly choice is too do a volcano!
Well, I would acquiring pre-school science experiments from Child Care Lounge or Education because they offer a variety of activities. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.
Any Greek Myth involving Daedalus. His tales are sometimes attributed to being the very first examples of gadgetry science fiction.
In science, evidence is any result of an experiment done with the scientific method. Evidence and experiments to acquire evidence are methods by which one can scientifically prove a claim.
'Gymnastics' can be defined as:1) physical exercises involving strength, coordination, and agility performed as a competitive sport using special equipment or apparatus2) any feat of physical prowess3) any hard mental exercises, such as solving a complicated math problem or answering a difficult question
sadly no. but we are coming close to it here in Yale with our science lab experiments. drop by if you can.
The ancient Greeks did not perform any experiments to test the atomic theory proposed by Democritus. To the ancient Greeks the atomic theory was a part of philosophy, not science.
Yes. To proceed in any branch involving science or technology, a knowledge of math and algebra is essential.
To find science experiments that the class can enjoy I would suggest trying the following sites which offer many great or