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Q: Are tennis ball size clots normal?
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What do you do with the tennis ball in shrink ray island?

you do nothing. its there to show you that you are the size of a tennis ball.

Does tectonic plate size affect earthquake magnitude?

I believe it does. If you imagine it with a bowling ball and two tennis balls, when you roll one tennis ball into another stationary tennis ball, it rolls away, but not that far. Now repeat the same experiment with a bowling ball and a tennis ball, the result is much clearer as to which moved the stationary tennis ball more. The bowling ball did as it has a larger mass and size.

To what size does the uterus grow to at 9 months?

about the size of a tennis ball

What is the regulation size of a ping pong ball?

The current regulation size of a table tennis ball is 40mm.

How small is a squirrel hole?

A squirrel hole typically measures around 2 to 4 inches in diameter, depending on the size of the squirrel species. These holes are used as entrances to their burrows, where they store food, seek shelter, and raise their young.

What size mm is a tennis ball?

2.63 inches in diameter

What is the size of a shuttlecock?

you can t really say what size but its bigger than a tennis ball.

How big are sharks eyes?

Sharks have varying eye sizes depending on the species, but on average, their eyes are usually around 1-2 inches in diameter. Some species like the great white shark have larger eyes, while others like the cookiecutter shark have relatively smaller eyes. Generally, sharks' eyes are adapted for low light and murky water conditions.

How big is an ostrich eye?

An Ostrich's eye is the size of a tennis ball

What makes a tennis ball bounce higher than a basketball?

A tennis ball is made of materials that are more elastic than a basketball, allowing it to deform and rebound quicker upon impact, resulting in a higher bounce. Additionally, the size and weight difference between a tennis ball and a basketball also contribute to the tennis ball bouncing higher.

How can you grow orbeez the size of a soccerball?

you put it in coke or Pepsi or dr pepper

How big do taranchulas get?

Taranchulas get quite big, about the size of a tennis ball. xx