There are many different ideas for a meal on a date. You can take the person out to a nice steak house or because he/she is Chinese, you may want to take her out to a nice Chinese restaurant for some chicken balls, noodles and rice.
You can store snacks in a secure container or section of your home that is inaccessible to the chickens. Make sure the chicken coop is securely sealed to prevent any unauthorized entry by the chickens. Alternatively, you can also consider using chicken feeders that can dispense snacks in controlled amounts to prevent overconsumption.
Chinese Boading balls are used for improving manual strength and dexterity or help heal from injury. These balls are made from steel and are rotated in the hand.
I have Silkie Chickens who are very broody, they are little bantam chickens that look like little cotton balls.
Chicken Paste
your moms balls