Martina Navratilova's father's name is Miroslav (Mirek) Navratil and her mother's name is Jana Navratilova. Navratilova is the Czech feminine gender form of the Czech masculine gender surname Navratil.
Martina McBride is currently alive and well. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
A child with both parents dead
no.... they are not dead
his parents are dead
My parents do not work, they are dead.
yes their dead
no they are not dead. but they are devorcied
Youd have no parents
If you have no parents, you are considered an orphan.
Martina Servatius's birth name is Martina Servatius.
Martina Forman's birth name is Martina Zborilov.
Martina Zezlina's birth name is Martina Zezlina.