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ringing in their ears

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Q: An athlete should NOT be allowed to participate if she has?
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When a athlete graduates in the fall how long are they allowed play the sport they are involved with at the time?

If the season of sport has already started the athlete gets to participate through the rest of the season

Should women be allowed to participate in combat duty?

no yes they should be able to participate in combat duty

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They should not be allowed to do dangerous ventures in school.

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What kind of athlete is likely to participate in a pentathlon?

An all round athlete who is good at several events

Why were women not allowed to participate?

women were not allowed to participate in ancient greek

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Who is allowed to participate in Hinduism? Well anyone can participate in Hinduism,it welcomes anyone that wants to join.

Should students be allowed to participate in dangerous ventures on school outings?

no they should not because they can be very painful an hurtfoul

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You buy a ticket and watch. Or you participate as an athlete.

Why a countries participate in Olympics?

Coz they want medals and have fun. Answered by an athlete.

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who allowed all citizens in athens the right to participate in the assembley