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Gravity is the same rate whether it is a tennis ball or a feather dropping. Gravity is 12.3 grams per cubic centimeter in a descending pattern and is a constant.

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Q: A tennis player hits a 58.0 g tennis ball so that it goes straight up and reaches a maximum height of 6.17 How much work does gravity do on the ball on the way up?
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An object is thrown vertically upward when does it reach maximum height?

when the object reaches maximum height, the velocity of the object is 0 m/s.It reaches maximum height when the gravity of the body has slowed its velocity to 0 m/s. If there is no gravity and there is no external force acting on it then it will never reach a maximum height as there wont be a negativeaccelerationdemonstrated by newtons first law.Where there is and you have the objects initial velocity then you can use :v^2 = u^ = Velocity when it reaches Max. height so v = 0u = Initial Velocity (m/s)a = Retardation/ Negative Acceleration due to gravity, -9.80m/s ^2And then the unknown (s) is the displacement, or height above ground, and if everything else is in the right format it should be in metres.

What is the instantaneous velocity at maximum height when something is thrown straight up?

The instantaneous velocity at the maximum height is zero because the object momentarily stops moving before falling back down due to gravity.

When a football kicked reaches its maximum height how does its speed compare to its initial speed?

When it's at its maximum height its speed will be zero.

What will happen if you throw a ball straight into the air?

The ball will go up, reach its maximum height, then start to fall back down due to gravity. It will eventually land back on the ground.

A particle is projected vertically upward and it reaches the maximum height H in time T seconds the height of the particle at any time t will be?

The height of the particle at any time t can be represented by the equation h(t) = H - (1/2)gt^2, where H is the maximum height reached, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time. At time T, the height of the particle is H, and the height decreases as time increases beyond T due to gravity acting on the particle.

If you throw a ball into the air where will it have the greatest gravitational potential energy?

The ball has the highest gravitational potential energy when it is at its highest point in the air, as that is when it has a velocity of zero and is up the highest.

When a rocket reaches maximum height what is its velocity?

A model rocket reaches maximum velocity at the point where the thrust from the engine matches the drag from the air, or the point where the thrust goes to zero when the fuel burns out, whichever comes first.

At the end of a game a player on the winning team throws the ball straight up as high as he can throw it at the top of its path the basketballs velocity is what?

At the very top of the ball's path, its velocity is momentarily zero. This is because as the ball reaches its maximum height, it stops moving vertically before falling back down due to gravity.

What is a trough in respect to a wave?

A trough is the low point in a wave, where the wave reaches its minimum height or lowest point. It is the opposite of a crest, which is the high point in a wave where it reaches its maximum height.

How can you throw a projectile so that it has zero speed at the top?

To have zero speed at the top, you need to throw the projectile with an initial velocity such that it reaches its maximum height at that point. This requires the initial velocity to be exactly equal to the velocity that would be attained due to gravity when the projectile falls from that height. The angle of projection should be such that the vertical component of the initial velocity cancels out the velocity due to gravity.

If a tree doubles in height each year for ten years how many years will it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height?

It will take one year for the tree to reach half its maximum height. Since the tree doubles in height each year, it will be at half its maximum height the year before it reaches its full height.

How does gravity affect a catapult?

Gravity affects a catapult by pulling the launched object back down towards the ground. The force of gravity limits the maximum distance the object can travel and the height it can reach when launched by the catapult. Stronger gravitational force can result in a faster descent of the object after it reaches the peak of its trajectory.