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Q: A golf ball on a golf course sits 2 meters from the hole The flag in the hole is 1.5 meters high What is the angle of elevation?
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While standing on the roof of a building, a child tosses a tennis ball with an initial speed of 15 m/s at an angle of 35° below the horizontal. The ball lands on the ground 2.6 s later. How tall, in meters, is the building?

The height of the building is 57.3 meters.

What is the velocity of the ball when it left the bat if it was hit at a 45 degree angle and just cleared the outfield fence 98 meters away?

30.990 metres/sec

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because the blallalalalalalalalal

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The height of the ball when it rebounds is 5 meters, as given in the question.

What is an incoming angle in geometry?

The incoming angle is the angle at which something comes at some other object. For example if you hit a ball on a pool table against the side, the incoming angle is the the angle at which the ball comes at the table.

A ball is dropped from a roof and takes 4.15 s to reach the ground Calculate the elevation of the roof above the ground in meters?

H = 1/2 G T2 = (1/2) (9.8) (4.15)2 = (4.9) (17.2225) = 84.4 meters (rounded)

Diameter waterpolo ball?

A men's water polo ball has a diameter of .22 meters, while a women's ball is .21 meters wide.

A solid steel ball is on a ramp which make an angle of 5 degree with a table that is 0.919 meters . What is the height where the ball should be place so it could hit a target which is at 0.6 meter?

At a 5° angle down, the ball will need Vi = 1.433 m/s to hit a target .6 m from the bottom of the table. So, h = Vi²/(2g) = .105 m above the top of the table.

A golfer tees off and hits a golf ball at a speed of 31 ms and at an angle of 35 degrees. How far did the ball travel before hitting the ground Round the answer to the nearest tenth of a meter.?

92 or 91.5 meters would be the maximum height.

A golfer tees off and hits a golf ball at a speed of 31 ms and at an angle of 35 degrees. What is the maximum height attained by the ball Round the answer to the nearest meter.?

The maximum height attained by the ball can be calculated using the kinematic equation for projectile motion. The formula to calculate the maximum height is (v^2 * sin^2(angle))/(2g), where v is the initial velocity, angle is the launch angle, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Substituting the values, the maximum height is approximately 15 meters.

What does softball have to do with math?

the angle that the ball is going and the force that is applied to the ball by the bat

How maths involve volley ball?

the angle at which you hit the ball depends on maths